宮西 純 / Jun Miyanishi

千葉県出身。東京音楽大学を特待生として首席で卒業。同大新人演奏会、ヤマハ新人演奏会、日演連推薦新人演奏会に出演する。 文化庁海外研修生としてフランス国立ヴェルサイユ音楽院最高課程を最優秀で修了。
第30回日本管打楽器コンクール第1位、特別賞受賞。 アメリカで行われたITEC国際ソロコンペティションにおいて、アジア人として初優勝。PMF、アフィニス音楽祭等にも参加する。
バンドジャーナルの誌上レッスンを担当。 NHKFMリサイタルノヴァに出演。ソロCD「Evidence」をリリースする。
[使用楽器: 〈B&S〉FテューバBS3099, 〈メルトン・マイネル・ウェストン〉CCテューバ MW6450 “Baer”]
Solo Tubist Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra – 1. Preis ITEC2014 Born in Japan, and started playing TUBA from age 14.Won the 1st prize (grand prize) 3 years in a row of Young musician solo competition, and also won 1st prize at the H.Philip contest. Entered Tokyo College of Music in 2001, and started playing in professional chamber music and orchestra while studying there. Joined many orchestras, such as the Kyoto International Music Students Festival. Top ranked in the university division of the 12th Japanese Classical Music Conpetition. Won the solo recital audition at Tokyo College of Music. Achieved the highest rank in the college and graduated in 2005 as an honor student. Played in the Newcomer Recital sponsored by YAMAHA. After that, visited France and completed the perfect class at the French National Academy of Music in Montpellier. Won the audition of Japan Federation of Musicians , Played Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto with Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Maestro.Yuzou Toyama. Performed in the 13th Okiden Sugarhall Competition And Debut Concert, and won the award of excellence. In 2009, 2010 participated in PMF2009, 2010 as a member of the orchestra, and same year held the first solo recital in Tokyo and Tochigi. In2010 3rd prize of The27th Japan wind and percussion competition. Since2010 joined Taiwan Philharmonic(National Symphony Orchestra Taiwan) as a Principal Tuba player. 2012 Played Edward Gregson Tuba Concerto with Macau Symphonic Band. 2013 Won the 1st prize of The30th Japan wind and percussion competition also got the Special Prizes.In the winners concert. Played Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto with Tokyo new city orchestra. 2014 as a first Asian, Won the 1st Prize of the ITEC2014 Solo Artist the same year Played John Williams Tuba Concerto with New philharmonic orchestra Chiba. Studied tuba under Shinsuke TANAKA, Michio FUNAKOSHI, Tetsuya Otsuka and David ZAMBON. Stephane Labeyrie, and Gene Pokorny. Studied chamber music and wind music under Yasuhiko SHIOZAWA, Takashi YAMAMOTO and Naohiro TSUKEN. At present, makes guest musician in Japan orchestra, and other Asia orchestras, and brass bands .Active in recording music for movies, TV programs, and studio works. Have an excellent reputation for a reliable leadership as a teacher and a conductor. Puts effort into being a judge for musical contests, and also trains the younger generation. Currently Principal tuba player of Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra. Teacher of Shi-chien University and Orchestra academy of Taiwan philharmonic.